We’ve received a lot of questions about how to best prepare for a full moon so we thought it’d be a great idea to share all the information here on the blog. This way when a full moon comes around you can come back here as a virtual checklist to ensure you are prepared. Don't worry, we've got you covered! 

The full moon is a powerful time for our spiritual growth, and manifestation, and let us not forget renewal - we are so ready for it. As the moon reaches its fullest point, its energy is at its strongest, making it a perfect time to cleanse and charge your crystals. In this blog post, we'll explore the best crystals for your full moon rituals and how to maximize their energy for your benefit.

The Full Moon: aka a refresh

The full moon is a symbol of completion, fulfillment of a period, and of course, our favorite it's a time of celebration for all you've experienced. It's a time to look back on our wins, let go of what's holding us back, and look forward to new beginnings because the best is yet to come for sure. The full moon's energy is intense and ready to help you step into your new transformed main energy, making it the perfect time to work with crystals and amplify our manifestations and intentions.

Let’s jump into how to cleanse Crystals for the Full Moon because we want to make sure you are prepared and ready -

Cleansing your crystals is an essential step in preparing them for the full moon energy, think of it like a cleaning session, freeing up your space from dust and cobwebs to start new. Here are some of the best crystals for full moon rituals and how to cleanse them:

- Selenite: Known for its cleansing properties, selenite is a must-have for full moon rituals. Place your crystals on a selenite charging plate or use a selenite wand to cleanse and charge your crystals this is the perfect one to get started with.

- Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a powerful amplifier of energy, making it perfect for full moon rituals. Use clear quartz to amplify the energy of your other crystals and manifest your desires. Its like the best little boost!

- Moonstone: Moonstone is a sacred crystal for the full moon, promoting intuition, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Place moonstone on your third eye or heart chakra to connect with the full moon energy - you'll love it!

Full Moon Rituals for Cleansing and Charging Crystals

Here are some simple full-moon rituals to cleanse and charge your crystals:

- Full Moon Bath: Place your crystals in a bowl of water and let them bask under the full moonlight. This is a powerful way to cleanse and charge your crystals. Don’t forget to check to make sure your crystals are safe for water too!

- Smudging: Use sage or palo santo to smudge your crystals, removing any negative energy and preparing them for the full moon energy.

- Meditation: Hold your crystals during meditation, focusing on your intentions and manifesting your desires.

Our Top Tips for Working with Crystals During the Full Moon

- Set Intentions: An absolute must-do before working with your crystals, set clear intentions for what you want to manifest or achieve. An important first step in our rituals!

- Use a Crystal Grid: Create a crystal grid to boost the energy of your crystals and manifest your desires into reality.

- Keep a Moon Journal: Record your thoughts, feelings, and insights during the full moon to reflect on your progress and growth during the ritual. We can’t wait to see you glow and grow.

Full Moon Checklist:

- Cleanse and charge those crystals using selenite, smudging, or a full moon bath

- Set clear intentions for what you want to manifest or achieve - nothing too big or small.

- Create a crystal grid to boost that energy for your crystals

- Meditate with your crystals, focusing on your intentions and manifesting your desires

- Keep a moon journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and insights - we love this step!

- Release any negative energy or patterns that are holding you back. Its your time to shine and grow.

- Celebrate your accomplishments and progress - no matter how small they may seem. You made it here friend and that is worthy of celebration

- Look forward to new beginnings and opportunities with abundance

The full moon is a powerful time for you, so make sure to set time aside, quiet, and undisturbed so you can work on that healing we so need to continue to evolve. Happy full moon!

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