Morganite (Beryl) Raw Specimen


Morganite: The Healing Stone

  • Morganite is a soothing gem known for its calming effects on stress and anxiety, as well as for its ability to aid in trauma recovery and emotional healing.
  • Linked to the heart chakra, it is believed to foster unconditional love, spiritual development, and inner serenity while also strengthening the immune system and facilitating healing.
  • This pink beryl variant, ranging from subtle pink to deep rose, resembles a pink emerald but can also exhibit violet-pink or salmon-pink hues.
  • Named after J.P. Morgan, it was first found in California in 1910, with most of today's supply originating from Brazil.
  • Although relatively durable, it can still be scratched or chipped, so handle it delicately.
  • With its gentle pink energy tied to the heart chakra, morganite encourages love, peace, and spiritual growth. When choosing morganite, select a stone that resonates with your energy from the various color options available.

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