Aura Howlite Tower


Discovering the Benefits of Howlite, a Popular Healing Crystal

Howlite is a unique kind of stone that has many metaphysical purposes. It is often used for its cleansing properties, which can promote spiritual growth and remove negativity. This stone can also increase intuition and clairvoyance while reducing worry and negative emotions, making it a great tool for stimulating good decision-making. Additionally, Howlite is known to stimulate and support imagination and creativity, and is often used as a stone of transition to help people move on from things or let go of issues that no longer serve them.

This calming and soothing stone is also known for its ability to ease stress and anxiety, relieve headaches and migraines, and promote peace and inner tranquility. It is often used for meditation and journeying, making it a great choice for anyone looking to achieve a peaceful state of mind or calm their emotions.

Howlite's healing properties are believed to help with depression, lack of motivation, and feelings of loneliness. It is also thought to enhance creativity and offer inspiration. This gemstone is a wonderful tool to remain calm and centered in situations that would normally cause anxiety. It can help heal emotional trauma from past events and any negative emotions that are currently affecting your life.

Enhance Your Room's Energy with Crystal Towers

A simple way to create a high-vibrational energy vortex in any room is by placing a crystal tower in each corner. When you need a boost in mental focus or relaxation, take a few minutes to meditate while holding a crystal tower. This will help you feel refreshed and re-energized in no time.

  • Price is for one piece
  • Each stone is natural therefore is unique

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