The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot


Introducing the creator of the Crow Tarot, a beautifully illustrated 78-card tarot deck accompanied by a guidebook, all set in a magical realm where light and darkness intertwine, where mermaids glide through the waters, and where elemental forces govern a fairy court.

Nestled deep within a forest where shadows dance with sunlight lies the enchanting and wild land of Förhäxa. This deck is filled with heroes and villains, spirits and sprites, as well as mermaids and magic, drawing inspiration from the traditional Rider Waite Smith tarot, Norse folklore, fairy tales, and the elemental powers of nature. The Swedish term förhäxa translates to "to enchant, cast a spell, or bedevil," and this deck captivates readers with its earthy, intricately detailed card illustrations and mystical insights found within the guidebook.

In this tarot deck, each suit represents the fundamental elements of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth, replacing the traditional Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles to deepen our connection to nature. Instead of Kings for each suit, we have Elders, and rather than an Emperor, there exists a Council of Monarchs. This shift moves away from patriarchal human structures that constrain us and instead emphasizes community and the wisdom passed down through generations.

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